One of the keys to succeed as a language learner is to actively use the language you are learning as much as you can. A good beginning are classroom expressions. Let’s learn some common classroom phrases that will help you understand and speak Spanish.

Más expresiones de la clase: El instructor / La instructora | |
Cierren los libros. | Please close your books. |
Repitan, por favor. | Please repeat. |
Lean, por favor. | Please read. |
¿Comprenden? | Do you guys understand? |
Contesta, por favor | Please answer. |
¿Tienen preguntas? | Do you guys have questions? |
De tarea… | For homework… |
Expresiones de la clase: Los estudiantes | |
Sí, comprendo. / No, no comprendo. No entiendo. | Yes, I understand. / No, I don’t understand. I don’t understand. |
Tengo una pregunta… | I have a question… |
Presente | Here! (you can say this when your instructor is checking attendance) |
Otra vez, por favor. | Again, please. |
Más despacio, por favor. | More slowly, please. |
Más alto, por favor. | Louder, please. |
¿Qué página? | Which page? |
¿Cómo se dice “pen” en español? | How do you say “pen” in Spanish? |
¿Cómo se escribe “libro”? | How do you spell “libro”? |
Lo siento, no sé. | I’m sorry, but I don’t know. |
¡Manos a la obra!
Actividad 0-16. En la clase de español.
Paso 1. Practica estas expresiones con un compañero/compañera. What could you or your instructor say in the following situations? Choose one or more appropriate expressions.
- You cannot understand what your instructor is saying because she’s speaking Spanish too fast.
- Your instructor wants the class to listen to her.
- The class has just started, and your instructor is checking who is in class. She calls your name.
- Your instructor has just played an audio, and it’s hard for you to understand the speakers.
- You don’t know how to spell “carismático.”
- You didn’t hear on what page an activity in the book is.
- You can’t hear what your classmate is saying.
- Your classmate has asked you a question, but you don’t know the answer.
- Your instructor wants the class to read something.
- The class is almost over, and your instructor is assigning homework.
- You would like to know how to say “dorm” in Spanish.
- You have a question.
Paso 2. Are there any other expressions you and your classmate would like to know? Write two or three expressions and ask your instructor how to say them. Remember to use the Spanish question we just learned to do it!
Click on the following button to continue practicing your new classroom expressions.
Now it’s time to practice everything we have learned in this introductory module: