Estudiar en español en Colombia
Trabaja con un@ compañero@ y practica tu español en estas situaciones sociales. You need to use the vocabulary and structures you have learned so far. Change roles and partners after practicing each situation once.

Conversación 1
Estudiante 1. You’re studying Spanish in Colombia, and you meet another student at a party.
- Greet your classmate.
- Tell your classmate your name, where you are from, and that you are a student. Ask what their name is and where they are from.
- Answer your classmate’s question.
- Tell your classmate about your life at the university. Include information about classes, activities at the university, and weekend activities.
- Listen as your classmate tells you about their activities.
Ask questions and share as much information as possible.
Estudiante 2. You’re studying Spanish in Colombia, and you meet another student at a party.
- Greet your classmate.
- Answer your classmate’s questions.
- Ask where they study.
- Tell your classmate about your life at the university. Include information about classes, activities at the university, and weekend activities.
- Listen as your classmate tells you about their activities.
Ask questions and share as much information as possible.
Conversación 2
You are studying in Colombia. Your partner and you have to prepare a report about your families for your Spanish class. Talk about the members of each family:
- Talk about their personality, personal appearance, and age.
- Say where they are from.
- Mention where they live.
- Describe what they like to do (favorite activities, hobbies, etc.).
- Ask what they do for a living.
Compare your information, and say if your families are similar and explain why/why not.
Now it’s time to synthesize and apply everything we have learned in this module. Let’s go to